Grace Parkyn - The Minded Institute


Stress, Burnout, Mood Difficulties, Trauma, Psychosis, Grief
Children and Adults with Additional Needs


  • Systemic Psychotherapist
  • Mental Health Nurse
  • Minded Yoga Therapist
  • Yoga teacher
  • Yoga for the special child practitioner
  • Cognitive Behaviour Therapy


Grace is a systemic family and couple psychotherapist, a registered mental health nurse, and a Minded yoga therapist.

She has a long history of working in community mental health services and has experience working with a wide range of mental health conditions, relational challenges and in supporting people going through stressful life events.

She currently works part time as a family and couple psychotherapist in Community Perinatal Services for the NHS. Alongside this she is a Minded Yoga therapist and a YogafortheSpecialChild© practitioner and has personally and professionally experienced the benefits that yoga can bring to both physical and mental wellbeing.

She uses an integrative and holistic approach combining aspects of self enquiry, yoga, mindfulness and psychotherapy.

She is interested in making yoga more accessible for marginalised groups and feels passionately that it should be available to everyone regardless.

Grace currently offers yoga therapy within the NHS, for the voluntary sector and privately. She is also a lead supervisor on the Minded Yoga therapy training and a member of the Board.


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